It reminds me of another door I came across a few years ago and their little film "A Knock at the Door". I have been interested in doors ever since. Where might this one lead, what treasures hide behind that one and what new friends may be waiting through there.
It is a perfect subject for NYE. Having survived an epic year, I find myself wondering if the coming year will bring relief or just more of same - heaven forbid that it should be worse (let's not get on that train).
Do I bother to make any resolutions given my appalling record of keeping them and if so what should they be? I could definitely be a better friend to my liver; cutting out the amount of cheese I eat, drinking more water etc. My heart would thank me for losing some weight and excercising more . My spirit could do with more meditation and what the buddhists would call "mindful living" although I think "mind-empty-of-rubbish living" might be more helpful.
But I think my resolution this year will be to do whatever I need to do to look after me on every level because it became quite clear this year that (and I know this should be obvious) if I don't I am unavailable to help, comfort or give to my family and friends - and I end up getting sick. So....I resolve to do all the above and be careful what I read and what I watch. I resolve to do my best to avoid vexatious people and situations. Most of all I resolve to do my best to accept what is and not beat myself up if I can't....... Here I sit with raised eyebrows and smirking. Well, we'll see.
2011 will see the Chinese year of the Rabbit and although I have not looked into what this may mean, I am hoping that being a Rabbit it may turn out to be a good one for me.
Having been very Syrencentric, let me now wish you all a very Happy New Year, may we all manage to keep our resolutions and may the coming year prove kind to us all.