Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

This little door was created by a very clever lady, Sally  J Smith 

It reminds me of another door I came across a few years ago and their little film "A Knock at the Door". I have been interested in doors ever since. Where might this one lead, what treasures hide behind that one and what new friends may be waiting through there.

It is a perfect subject for NYE. Having survived an epic year, I find myself wondering if the coming year will bring relief or just more of same  - heaven forbid that it should be worse (let's not get on that train).

Do I bother to make any resolutions given my appalling record of keeping them and if so what should they be?  I could definitely be a better friend to my liver; cutting out the amount of cheese I eat, drinking more water etc. My heart would thank me for losing some weight and excercising more . My spirit could do with more meditation and what the buddhists would call "mindful living" although I think "mind-empty-of-rubbish living" might be more helpful.

But I think my resolution this year will be to do whatever I need to do to look after me on every level because it became quite clear this year that (and I know this should be obvious) if I don't I am unavailable to help, comfort or give to my family and friends - and I end up getting sick. So....I resolve to do all the above and be careful what I read and what I watch. I resolve to do my best to avoid vexatious people and situations. Most of all I resolve to do my best to accept what is and not beat myself up if I can't....... Here I sit with raised eyebrows and smirking. Well, we'll see.

2011 will see the Chinese year of the Rabbit and although I have not looked into what this may mean, I am hoping that being a Rabbit it may turn out to be a good one for me.

Having been very Syrencentric, let me now wish you all a very Happy New Year, may we all manage to keep our resolutions and may the coming year prove kind to us all.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

I know, I know - this is out of order however, given the year we've had it doesn't seem that inappropriate :)


Summer Solstice evening found us (who were interested enough) congregating on the hill above Hungry Head beach. For us it was a spur of the moment decision, for others it was an excuse for a picnic and meeting up with friends which turned out to be a meeting of more friends than expected!!! One very organised person even arranged to bring a telescope, he was certainly popular - especially with the children all lining up to take a look.

Information gleaned from the web suggested that the eclipse would be happening at moonrise but we were all wondering if we would see anything at all given the covering of light cloud on the horizon. Just in case we might be disappointed nature put on a spectacular sunset so, at the moment we should have been facing east, most of us were looking the other way.


The sun had set by the time we saw a hazy thin smile appear in the sky and as we watched the smile grew.

We did not stay to watch the complete unveiling of the full moon as Huon becomes extremely anxious in the dark so as we drove home we continued to watch and by the time we arrived home the moon was wearing a lopsided cap. As I went to bed she was beaming full, bright and gorgeous and I sat on the end of my bed watching her through opened windows serenaded by didgeridoo (next door), frogs, crickets and cicadas.


Merry Christmas

To everyone in blogworld - although it's already 28th December. Despite problems with malfunctioning ovens, digital scales and unforseen hiccups to the schedule which precipitated moments of intense hair tearing (was Mercury retrograde?) in the days leading up to Christmas, the day itself was lovely. Contrary to worries, the food turned out well and everyone had a great time.

Huon has been enjoying all his presents even if they pale into comparison with his cousins' Wii games. Well, if he wants one for next Christmas it will be the only present he'll receive.

One of the things I really like about Christmas is.... leftovers. I haven't had to cook [seriously] other than cheese on toast and make salads (which doesn't count) for a couple of days and the other plus is that the leftovers taste just as good - must be all the alcohol in the food.

Since Christmas day fell on a Saturday this year, the powers that be decided to give everyone a public holiday on Monday and Tuesday so Ian has really had a chance to unwind. Lucky for him it has been raining so all the things I'd like him to do in the garden are still waiting (sigh). Ah well, this way the hedge trimming will be more satisfying ;)

Lots of holiday reading done and to be doing: The Book Thief, The Secret Life of Bees, Hunting and Gathering, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. And thanks to my parents-in-law I have the exquisite pleasure of browsing and choosing a book to buy with my voucher to look forward to(this cannot be done with child in tow so must organise babysitter).

Gone are the days of partying all night (at least for the forseeable future). NYE is a quiet and intimate event for us. I'd really like Huon to like fireworks so I could take him to see the NYE display in Coffs Harbour but they terrify him, so there's really no point, in fact it would be cruel to do so. NYE will probably see us sitting at home with a bottle of Brown Brothers' Dolcetto and Syrah watching the (early) Sydney fireworks on TV, recording the later ones at midnight while we sleep so we can be relatively bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5.50am when Huon wakes us up!!!! I wish everyone (however they choose to spend their night) a joyous night, happy and prosperous 2011 and a miraculously hangover free January 1.

Trying to type around cat who insists on sitting between me and the screen and purring loudly.